HD-SDI Encoder
Rockwell Pro HD Video IP engines are based on purpose-built hardware that efficiently converts streaming IP video.
The video receivers auto-sense the display capabilities of the attached monitor and select the most appropriate
video resolution and timing to use to display incoming GigE video feeds.
hd-sdi encoder
Pro HD Receiver
Rockwell's high-performance video receivers shrink the size,
cost, and power consumption of real-time viewing stations on
high-performance video networks.
The Pro HD Video Receivers transfer video data from
Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) network links directly to off-the-shelf
or custom video monitors, eliminating the need for bulky,
and costly monitors.
Displays GigE Vision® video directly on monitors in real
time HDMI/DVI format..
HD-SDI Encoder
& websites.
hd-sdi encoder